Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Redness Reducers from Around the Kitchen

Posted: 07 Jun 2012 12:17 PM PDT

Over the course of the past ten years, my skin has gone from that of a fresh-faced teen to a ruddy, redness-prone adult. I was blessed with good skin for so long, that when issues finally did develop I assumed they were a result of a 'flare up' that would magically disappear in time; how wrong I was. It took me close to two years to finally realize that maybe my problem complexion was a result of something more than just adult acne. Not only was I broken out, but my cheeks, nose and chin were a permanent shade of red. When I started looking into what might be causing my issues, I realized that what I was putting in my body was as much to blame as what I was putting on it. I finally decided to try a more earth based routine, and I've never looked back.

While there are plenty of great, natural products on the market that help calm adult skin problems, what worked best for me was actually already in my kitchen. I started by combining ingredients from my cupboards to create cleansers, scrubs and toners, and then began eliminating certain foods from my diet. The results were exactly what I was hoping for! I now stick to a purely natural skin-care regime using products I create on my own at home. Here are a few of my favorites:

  • Facial Cleanser – Part of the reason my face was always so irritated looking was because it didn't agree with the harsh ingredients in the cleansers I was using. Switching to this honey based recipe made a big difference, and was very friendly on my pocketbook.
  • Recipe: Mix ¼ cup of honey, 1 tbsp of castile soap and ½ cup vegetable glycerin together in an empty bottle. Use the mixture to wash your face morning and night, rinsing off with warm water and patting to dry.
  • Facial Scrub – Dead skin cells are a major cause of whiteheads and other common skin issues, so it's important to perform a gentle scrub every few days to get rid of them and allow new skin to breath.
    Recipe: Mix ¼ cup of baking soda, with 1tbsp of olive oil and massage onto face with a gentle circular motion. Allow to sit for 1 minute before wiping clean with a warm cloth.
  • Natural Toner: Facial toners should be a daily part of your skin routine because they help balance your pH levels. One of the best natural products I've used for doing this is Witch Hazel, not only does help maintain proper balance, it has been proven to reduce redness.
    Recipe: Combine ½ cup of cooled white tea with ¼ cup of witch hazel and 5 drops of chamomile oil. Apply after cleansing using a cotton ball or pad and allow to dry before applying moisturizer.
  • Moisturizer: There are a few different items that I rotate between for moisturizer, the first is Jojoba oil which feels like wax but sinks in very quickly, and the other is olive oil. Use only a small amount of either at first, adding more if required.
  • Change your diet: What you put in your body has a huge effect on your outward appearance and not just in terms of weight – certain foods can have a drastic effect on your skin too. Taking a closer look at your diet should be one of the first things you do if you're experiencing redness or other skin issues. The following foods have been well-known to negatively affect the skin – dairy, sugar, processed foods, alcohol and caffeine. It's tough to eliminate all of these from your diet, but cutting back on the amounts you consume is almost as good. The simple solution? Eat clean, whole foods like fruit, vegetables, legumes and fish.

It took me a long time to learn that there is no miracle cream or fast fix for great skin. The secret is in giving your body the nutrients it needs, and the ones you benefits from most are the ones that come from the earth. To anyone who is currently suffering from redness related skin issues or adult acne, I encourage you to give these recipes a shot. I hope they make as much of a difference for you as they have for me. Good luck!

Apple Cider Vinegar and Acne

Posted: 05 Oct 2011 12:13 PM PDT

 If you told most people that Apple Cider Vinegar could be used as a beauty product, they wouldn't believe you. In fact Apple Cider Vinegar is one of the most important and powerful natural remedies out there. It's been known to help with weight loss, sinus infection, allergies, arthritis and acne. It's usually taken in water as a drink, but can also be used topically, which is what I'm going to talk about here.

When I was younger I suffered from acne and tried everything – creams, washes, pills, you name it. Back then I was naive – I didn't realise that most external problems were symptoms of internal problems. I started to look at the things that I eat and the stress that I put myself under. I tested foods by removing them from my diet, such as milk, bread, eggs, pasta and rice. Not all of these made a difference, but some of them did, with highly noticeable differences (all positive) when I removed milk. After being tested it was indeed confirmed that I was Lactose intolerant. After doing some research into lactose intolerance I discovered that milk actually contains a lot of hormones that can make acne sufferers have worsened breakouts!

It's safe to say that over the next few months I noticed improvements and eventually over the years, I started to grow out of acne. The thing is, I am now left with scars, as well as having the occasional breakout.

My mother suggested using Apple Cider Vinegar because as she said it, "It restores the acid mantle of your skin, so it heals quicker" and it's all true (Parents really are the source of knowledge kids!).

The acid mantle is the skin's first defence mechanism against invading bacteria. This defence layer develops at puberty, around the time that many teenagers will probably start noticing the symptoms of acne. Using face washes and creams like I did, can often damage and prevent this layer from developing as it should. This all happens as we start to produce hair on our bodies, and sebaceous glands cause changes in the skin's pH. The pH of human skin usually settles somewhere between 4.5 and 6. But this often varies with age.

In our late teens and early twenties our Acid Mantle should be at its best. It should adequately protect against harmful external factors, heal extremely quickly and generally take care of itself. The skin's pH value an overlooked, but major contributor to acne and various other skin problems. Propionibacterium acnes are bacteria that live on the skin and are actually found in everyone, regardless of whether an individual suffers from acne. 

However, the number of P. acnes is greatly increased in acne sufferers. Research has shown that the growth of these bacteria is very much dependent on the pH value of the sufferer's skin and its growth is minimised with a skin pH of 5.5. In fact, even a slight shift towards the alkaline pH would create an environment in which it can thrive.

Nearly all soaps are Alkaline in nature and even the ones that are advertised as 'good for your skin', usually have a neutral pH of 7. When using soaps, we think we wash them off quite quickly, but there is almost always residue left behind. Over time, soaps start to change the pH of our skin away from its natural acidity, to a very unnatural alkaline state. It means that our skin will actually become dependent on these products as it is incapable of self-defence – certainly not a good state of affairs.

Apple Cider Vinegar works to return your skin to its natural acidity, reversing and healing the effects of soap. It works even better if you stop using soap all together, which may seem like a brash, decision to make, but it's perfectly natural to wash with just water. In fact dirt plays no part in acne whatsoever and is actually a marketing technique used by many companies to make sufferers feel self conscience and want to buy their products, I could talk about this for a long time but I won't. For now all I'll say is, that if they're products actually worked, you would have no need to buy them anymore – it is not in their interests to actually solve the problem.

The way to use Apple Cider Vinegar is to apply it to the skin. You can either apply it all over as a toner, or simply to the affected area as a "spot treatment". In fact as well as rebuilding the Acid Mantle, Apple Cider Vinegar reduces the visible redness and inflammation. It's important to note that some redness is normal and may last for about 10 minutes, with a slight burning or tingling sensation. If this feels too much, wash your face with water immediately, as you don't want to rush your skin into anything. I would also suggest that you do not use it un-diluted, especially when you start using it. Many people find that they can, but it is usually something they have worked up to. I would suggest starting with a mixture of one part Apple Cider Vinegar, three parts water, slowly working your way to a 50/50 mixture. Here is a list of a few more things you should consider when using Apple Cider Vinegar:

  • Start with a mixture of three parts water, one part Apple Cider Vinegar, eventually working your way to a 50/50 mix.
  • Always buy Apple Cider Vinegar with the "Mother". This is very important, because it is the mother part of Apple Cider Vinegar that is most beneficial. If you buy standard culinary Apple Cider Vinegar it has often been filtered and pasteurised, meaning most of the beneficial elements have been removed. The cloudier the better. My favourite brand is one called 'Biona Organic Apple Cider Vinegar with Mother'
  • Avoid Apple Cider Vinegar that contains sulphites, these can be harmful to the skin.
  • Uses cotton pads or cotton balls to apply. For best results a spray bottle works best. To be honest I use my hands.
  • Apply to face when dry.

Apple Cider Vinegar is also very good for dandruff, when rubbed into the scalp, but it also intensifies the main drawback of Apple Cider Vinegar, which is the smell. The smell can seem very pungent at first and can make you feel a little self conscience when spending time around other people. You do eventually get used to the smell, and if you are using a diluted mixture, it tends to wear off quite quickly anyway (it takes a little longer if using it un-diluted). I find that I prefer to not use it before I do things like go on a date, or go to a club.

Apple Cider Vinegar doesn't need to be something that is just for acne suffers too, it is also topically beneficial for:

  • Insect bites and rashes because it reduces inflammation.
  • General scar healing.
  • Ingrown hairs.
  • Razor Bumps.

I hope you try Apple Cider Vinegar and see some of the benefits yourself. Good luck on your adventure.

Unexpected Results from Soap Nuts

Posted: 26 Sep 2010 12:06 PM PDT

Recently, I made an amazing discovery. From the title of this article, you probably can guess the subject of what amazed me so much. Yes, it is soap nuts or Sapindus mukorossi or Ritha (Reetha). These nuts originate from India, so often they are called "Indian soap".

What are soap nuts?

Soap nuts are among the popular herbs and minerals in Ayurveda. They can replace your liquid soaps, shampoos, face cleansers, as well as laundry detergent, dishwashing detergent and other household items. The amazing washing power of soap nuts is due to the fact that they contain saponin – a natural soapy substance that forms a thick foam when in contact with water.

Soap nuts for hair

I want to caution you, soap nuts can irritate your eyes! If they get into your eyes, it feels like red chili pepper was sprinkled into them. So wash your eye area very carefully. Also the smell of these nuts can be little disgusting. To me they smell like vinegar mixed with syrup. But I will tell you how to make them smell good if you keep reading below. By the way, the smell won't get on your hair, skin or clothes. Don't let this tiny issue scare you, because it is nothing when you consider the amazing benefits of the nut.

Soap nuts for hair are really amazing. They treat a number of diseases, such as a skin fungus, dandruff, and rashes on the body. It treats them by removing the causes of the disease. I mean it destroys the fungus, so that the problem disappears. The skin takes on a pristine state, free from flaking and irritation.

And these are not just empty words! I already did an experiment. The brave experimenter was my friend's grandfather. He had washed his hair with conventional shampoo from the supermarket and had severe dandruff as a result. So we added few drops of shampoo (not that one he got dandruff from) to a soap nuts infusion. Actually the infusion can be used just on its own too. The first time you use this technique, you might find the absence of foam and the fact that it's very liquid a bit odd, but believe me the results will exceed your expectations. And here is the most amazing part, after washing his hair twice, the dandruff disappeared! This is probably one of my successful experiments ever! So if you suffer from dandruff I strongly recommend you to try soap nuts.

Soap nuts can also be used to treat hair loss. I haven't experimented with this yet, but I think the result will be also stunning, as I saw lots of very positive reviews over the Internet.

Soap nuts shampoo recipes

Using soap nuts can initially be troublesome. In order to make the decoction, you will have to boil nuts, and this should be done 1 – 2 times a week, because they can't be stored longer. Also keep in mind that the shell of the nut is used, and not the nut itself.

To prepare the decoction, take 4 shells and pour them into a glass of water. Bring this to a boil and simmer for about 20 minutes (boiling promotes the recovery of saponins and mixes them with water). The mixture that you get can be used as shampoo, liquid soap, shampoo for animals, cleaning detergent for dishes and other items. The absence of abundant foam will not affect the performance of the soap.

You can also use this decoction with other ingredients.

Here are some soap nuts recipes:

I boiled nuts in chamomile herbal tea- I just added one chamomile tea bag (you can use other herbs too), this way water will not have a bad smell while you are using it. Keep the liquid on your head for a minute, then massage and rinse off.

Here is another shampoo recipe. Take 2 tablespoons of mustard and mix it with boiling water until you have a thick cream consistency. Let this mixture sit for a couple of minutes, and then add 1 tablespoon of soap nuts decoction. You can use this as a simple shampoo.

You can also make the nut decoction into foam and use the foam to wash your hair.

Soap nuts for skin care

All owners of greasy, oily skin with blackheads and comedones, rejoice! These nuts can fix these problems also. Just use the soap nut decoction instead of your cleanser.

I am already using soap nuts on my skin, everyday in the morning and in the evening. I have noticed that my little red pimples have dried a little. I also love the feeling after washing my face; it's like after using light baby soap. Also I can feel that all the impurities and excess of oil have been washed off and I can apply a moisturizer without worrying.

You can also use soap nuts instead of your shower gel. Just dip a bath sponge into the soap nuts and clean your body.

Soap nuts for laundry

I have just few words about using soap nuts for laundry. You can take 4 nuts and put them into a small cloth bag (which should come with the nuts) and just put this into a dishwasher or washing machine. You can use the same bag 3-4 times. The results are really great!


  • Washing clothes, even with your hands, will no longer cause any dryness or irritation. Clothes will smell clean and like you used laundry detergent.
  • You will remove another allergen and carcinogen from your daily life, as soap nuts from the laundry and the dishes wash off easily.

Where to buy soap nuts?

I bought mine from the local store; however, I also found some on the Internet. This online shop sells USDA and ECOCERT certified organic soap nuts. What is more amazing that they have beauty products based on soap nuts extract which is formulated with only the finest, pure healthy natural ingredients.

Beauty Secrets With Spirulina

Posted: 17 Sep 2010 12:00 PM PDT

Today's talk will be about the super magical algae plant called spirulina and it's skin benefits. If you are not yet a devoted consumer of this algae plant, you definitely should change your mind. Today, I'll explain you why.

What makes spirulina a super plant?

I want to start with a little piece of scientific information, which, needless to say, really amazed me. Approximately 3.5 billion years ago, blue-green algae began to bind nitrogen from the atmosphere and convert it into carbon dioxide and sugar. In the process, free oxygen was provided. Over time, blue-green algae created an atmosphere rich in oxygen, which created a great opportunity to develop the rest of life. And as I mentioned, the whole process took more than a billion years.

Can you imagine that? I think this fact alone makes algae a super plant! Yet, there are other aspects that make spirulina special and beneficial too.

Amazing benefits of spirulina for skin

Spirulina has so many unique and remarkable properties. It is difficult to list them all. So as this site is designed to be your essential guide to natural skin care; I'll try to specifically focus on those aspects that are making spirulins the most beneficial for skin.

One of the biggest benefits of spirulina for skin is that is the richest whole food source of anti-oxidants, as it contains almost all known anti-oxidants: C, B1, B5 and B6, the minerals zinc, manganese, copper, amino acid methionine, beta-carotene and vitamin E.

Another special ingredient of Spirulina is a gamma-linoleic acid, which can be found in only a few seeds and fruits. The other most widely known sources are evening primrose (oenothera) oil and breast milk. Gamma-linoleic acid is important to protect the integrity of skin cells and muscles, as it is an important ingredient in the formation of new cell membranes.

Spirulina contains more than 18 amino acids. Since all of your connective tissues, muscles and skin are constructed primarily of amino acids, rich sources of well-balanced amino acids are very beneficial.

Spirulina for skin: personal experience

I've been taking my spirulina tablets about 2 weeks, and I have already started to adore this amazing plant. I don't know what your experience will be like, but for me this is magic. After a week of taking spirulina, my skin has totally cleared up from acne. If you are my regular reader, you know that this has been a huge problem for me.

Before I started to take spirulina, I had been getting acne even from eating healthy food. I have had little pimples on my cheeks and chin for a long time. I actually thought they had settled on my skin forever. But they are all gone now! I haven't had such clear skin for ages. I think it's the effect of the toxins that have been released from my body with the help of the spirulina algae. And I'm sure that it was the spirulina that achieved this goal, because I haven't changed anything else in my skin care routine or diet (except adding the spirulina, of course).

Actually lots of people have a problem taking spirulina because they can't stand the smell and taste of it. Yes, I should admit it tastes and smells very unusual. However I love it. I even take it without water. I just nibble it. Anyway if are one of those people who find spirulina's smell and taste disgusting, there is some great advice describing you How To Make Spirulina Taste Good.

Beauty recipes with spirulina

Facial masks based on spirulina prevent premature aging of the skin, improve its condition, contribute to preventing wrinkles, and help in the fight against acne.

The simplest method to use spirulina for skin as a beauty treatment is to use a mask. Just mix some spirulina with water to make a paste and apply to your face for 20 minutes. You will experience amazingly smooth and soft skin.

When you will whip up a mixture that includes spirulina, it will have very rich green color. You can see this in the picture. I actually was doubting for a minute or so whether I should actually apply it on my face. I had a strong feeling that it would not wash away from my face completely, leaving me looking something like a princess Fiona. But everything turned out to be amazing. The mask washed away very easily, leaving my skin extremely soft.

You can also mix spirulina with other ingredients. Here are some ideas:

Spirulina mask recipes for aging skin
Recipe 1: This mask is recommended for those who have dry skin, as it perfectly softens and tones skin. It also has a mild cleansing effect and certainly prevents wrinkles and aging.

  • 1 tablespoon sour cream
  • 1 teaspoon oatmeal
  • 1 tablespoon spirulina powder

To make this remedy, you will need to mix together all the ingredients mentioned above and grind them until you have a smooth paste. Apply this to your face for 20 minutes.

Recipe 2: This mask is suitable for every skin type and is recommended in order to prevent wrinkles and aging skin. Use it at least twice a week for amazing results.

  • 1 tablespoon grated vegetable marrow
  • 1 tablespoon grated chinese cabbage
  • 1 teaspoon sour cream
  • 1 tablespoon spirulina powder

All components should be thoroughly mixed to make a paste. Apply the medley on your face and neck for 20 minutes.

So are you ready to experience all the benefits of spirulina for your skin?

Where to buy spirulina?

You can buy spirulina from MountainRoseHerbs shop in powder form here , or in capsules here.

Secrets to Making Homemade Skin Cream Based on Lecithin

Posted: 01 Sep 2010 11:58 AM PDT

Today I'm going to share with you my secret for creating homemade skin cream based on lecithin with the help of the "cold" method. I love this method because you don't need to heat the oils and water in order to mix them as in the traditional method, so it will save you time. You can simply add all of the ingredients to the bowl at once and mix, and there is no need to add them step by step, which makes it very simple. So now, here is a little about the benefits of lecithin, and later, I will reveal to you the secret recipe:

What are lecithin benefits for skin?

Lecithin is extracted for cosmetic purposes from the egg yolks of chicken, sunflower seeds, and soybeans. More widely available is soy lecithin, which is a mixture of 65% natural phospholipids, 30 to 35% soybean oil, a small amount of glycerol, ethanolamine, galactose, B vitamins, biotin, and choline.

In skin care products, lecithin is used as an active additive and an emulsifier. As an active additive in cosmetics, lecithin is used for softening, toning, and moisturizing, which will promote the restoration of the barrier function of the skin to prevent moisture loss from the deeper layers of the complexion. Lecithin is especially effective in combination with vitamins A, D, F, B1, B6, and PP.

Lecithin promotes the deeper penetration of fat and biologically active substances into the epidermis. It also reduces inflammation and irritation in the skin, stimulates cell regeneration, improves skin texture, and prevents the formation of wrinkles. The lecithin is an antioxidant, which also protects the skin from the negative effects of free radical damage.

Lecithin can be used for all skin types. As an active additive, it should be used in 0.5% to 3% concentrations, and as an emulsifier at 3% to 20%.

In skin creams, lecithin can be somewhat sticky and oily, but it absorbs well. Some do not find the smell of lecithin pleasing, but the smell will disappear after you add a few drops of essential oil.

So that's it for the theory, let's prepare our working space for the practice!

Here is the recipe on how to use lecithin for your beauty purposes:

IMPORTANT: Before you begin making a homemade product, make sure that you thoroughly clean the area that you are working in. Wash your hands completely. Make sure to also wash any dishes, mixing utensils, spoons, or other tools that you may use. This should be done when you begin creating the product, as well as afterward.


  • 1 teaspoon lecithin
  • 6 teaspoons watery phase (hydrosols, herbal teas, etc.)
  • 2 teaspoons oil (Any you like or appropriate for you skin type: olive, almond, grape seed oil, etc.)

Begin with the water phase, and if you have granulated lecithin, steep it in the water and wait until it boils. I have lecithin in capsules, so I just squeeze them into the water and move onto the next step. The same goes for liquid lecithin in bottles. After adding the lecithin, stir it gently with a mixing utensil and add the oil. Shake well with a mixer. Continue to mix until you get the consistency of a normal cream, which will take roughly 5 to 8 minutes.

You can feel free to modify this recipe to meet your needs by adding essential oils, powders, hydrosols, infusions, etc. All active ingredients in this recipe can be added right away to the water phase. Since we know that most of the active ingredients are killed by the heat, none of the ingredients should be heated in this recipe, so you can add them to the water phase without any worry. You can also add butters, in this case all phases should be heated and mixed as in traditional method.

I also have included more recipes for you:

Homemade Face Cream for Dry Skin
  • 1 teaspoon lecithin
  • 6 teaspoons rose water
  • 2 teaspoons jojoba oil
  • 2 drops of geranium essential oil
Homemade Face Cream for Sensitive Skin
  • 1 teaspoon lecithin
  • 6 teaspoons geranium hydrosol
  • 2 teaspoons avocado oil
  • 2 drops of lavender essential oil
Homemade Face Cream for Oily Skin
  • 1 teaspoon lecithin
  • 6 teaspoons rose water
  • 2 teaspoons almond oil
  • 2 drops of manuka essential oil

P.S. I will continue to update you with great homemade skin cream recipes! The best way to be notified about my new posts is by following MyHomemadeBeauty.

Quick Recipes to Get Golden Skin at Home

Posted: 22 Aug 2010 11:08 AM PDT

A few weeks ago, I shared with you my Top 6 Homemade Remedies for a Stunning Tan. While I was writing that post, I remembered that I had previously written posts about homemade tan methods, even without going into the sun, you can give your skin a light and sexy tan. I decided to update you with some new recipes that I found after writing this post a few months ago, so here is my list:

  • You can wash your skin with a strong brewed black tea, coffee, or cocoa. This will give your skin a light tan, and it will also make it more elastic. Another good idea is to create ice cubes from coffee or strong tea, and wipe your face with one each morning. This will give your skin a light golden tone without tanning.
  • You can also make facial masks with the addition of ground coffee or cocoa. This mask will not only give your face the appearance of a suntan, but it will also cleanse the skin. It is very simple to prepare this mask: Mix a small amount of coffee or cocoa with a little water so that the mixture becomes thick. Apply the mask to your face, and leave it on for 10 minutes. Rinse with warm water. If you have very dry skin, water can be replaced with vegetable oil.
  • As I mentioned in my previous article about homemade remedies for a stunning tan, carrot is a very strong ingredient to help you get homemade tan faster. However, it also provides a powerful benefit of adding bronze color to your skin by itself. Any recipes made from carrot juice and glycerin will add a golden tone to your skin!
  • The surprising find for me was that you can use juice from rhubarb root to darken your skin. Squeeze the rhubarb root to create juice, and wipe your face with it twice per day. If you have oily skin, you can scrub your skin with this mixture. If you have dry skin, you can create a mask from rhubarb juice and sour cream. Mix 1 teaspoon of sour cream and 1 teaspoon of juice, and apply to your complexion for 10 minutes. Remove this mixture with a cloth.
  • Last of all, let's not forget about chamomile! This herb has a lovely scent with coloring benefits. Mix 8 tablespoons of chamomile, and place in a container with 1 L of boiled water. Close this tightly, and let it sit for two hours. Strain the infusion, and wipe your skin with it every morning. You can also make ice cubes from this mixture, and rub your skin with the ice cubes to refresh your complexion in the morning.

Unfortunately, if you want your tan to stay on for longer, you do need to give up the Cleopatra's milk bath because all dairy products will have a whitening effect on the skin. Try to avoid using these products to help your tan last longer.

Have you tried one of these homemade tan recipes before? Do you have your own secret on how to create a golden skin tone at home?

Top 6 Homemade Remedies for a Stunning Tan

Posted: 07 Aug 2010 11:05 AM PDT

For homemade tan please refer to my previous article Quick Recipes to Get Golden Skin at Home.

Ah… The sun! We all worship the sun and adore sunbathing, and sunbathing is and has been for many years something that most people enjoy as soon as warm weather arrives. This is especially true when going on holidays to sunny locations. To get you started, here are some remedies for a beautiful brown tan and natural skin tone!

My top 3 remedies for faster and better tanning:
  • Before hitting the beach, give your whole body a good exfoliation to remove all dead skin. To do this, use a granulated body scrub or exfoliating scrubbing sponge. In the shower, scrub off dead skin with one of these tools, especially on the flaky areas on the back of the arms, knees, and elbows. Be careful to only scrub off dead skin and not healthy skin because scrubbing to aggressively can cause irritation. By removing these dead skin cells, you will promote healthy skin regeneration to ensure a uniform tan.
  • Walnut is a wonderful ingredient to help better tan the skin. Apply walnut oil to your skin two times on a daily basis.
  • Carrot is powerful in helping your skin to tan quickly. Twice each day, massage your skin with a mixture of 2 tablespoons of carrot juice and 1 tablespoon glycerin. Before going out into the sun, drink carrot juice with cream or olive oil for better results.
My top 3 remedies to create a natural skin tone:
  • Squeeze a small amount of lemon into a glass of water. Wipe your skin with this mixture before going to the beach.
  • Preserved cucumber helps to protect your skin from the sun. To preserve cucumber juice, mix the juice with spirits at a ratio of 1:10. Store this mixture in the refrigerator at a temperature that does not exceed 15°C for two weeks, and strain. Before using, mix 1 tablespoon of the preserved juice with 10 tablespoons of water, and massage this mixture into your complexion before going into the sun.
  • Jojoba oil protects beautifully from ultraviolet rays. It is best to apply it to your skin mixed with almond oil in a ratio of 1:1. You can use more jojoba oil if necessary by adding more to the mixture for added protection, but it may be difficult to apply pure jojoba oil to your skin.

IMPORTANT: The remedies mentioned above do not give you permission to hit the beach without proper sun protection. Make sure to always protect your skin with a high SPF protection cream!

Do you know any home remedy for a stunning tan? Please share it with us by leaving the comment bellow.

Review of Dr. Organic Tea Tree Deodorant Roll-On

Posted: 03 Aug 2010 11:03 AM PDT

I was recently excited to find out that tea tree essential oil has antibacterial and antimicrobial properties so that it works as a natural deodorant. It neutralizes odor while also inhibiting odor-causing bacteria. I first tried this by applying a few drops of the essential oil on my underarms, and it kept me fresh for almost the entire day. The only problem was that the strong smell did not dissipate very quickly, and it was difficult to go throughout the day smelling like that.

I felt a little bit disappointed because I really wanted the tea tree oil benefits, except the smell was too strong for me. Then I stumbled upon a tea tree deodorant roll-on by Dr. Organic at a local health store. Needless to say, I grabbed it immediately and rushed home for testing.

My test results:

Tea tree deodorant by Dr. Organic comes as a liquid cream roll-on. It has many great antibacterial ingredients: Tea Tree Oil, aloe vera, Icelandic moss, and moisturizing from sunflower oil and vitamin E. From the ingredients alone, I can attest that this deodorant is perfect for anyone that has an issue with bad body odor.

The deodorant does take a while to dry, so make sure not to put on your clothes right away after using it. You can also use a hair dryer to blow it dry, as I often do if I am in a hurry. Still, it does not leave any white residue or stains on the clothing!

I almost forgot to mention that it has a faint smell because of the natural ingredients, but there is not the strong smell of tea tree. In fact, it is quite the opposite because tea tree in combination with other ingredients creates a clean and healthy deodorant smell so that you remain fresh.

My verdict is that this is a gentle and long-lasting natural deodorant roll- on, which will work even in hot weather. When I stepped out into the hot sun, my underarms did sweat, but the deodorant worked well so that there was not any body odor.

Dr. Organic has a wide range of products from shampoos to mouthwashes. To find out more information, check out their website. I am going to go to back there myself to get the deodorant roll-on with my favorite lavender scent when I next run out!

What Everybody Ought to Know About Cornflower

Posted: 29 Jul 2010 11:00 AM PDT

Cornflower Centaurea cyanus (Cornflower, Bachelor's button, Bluebottle, Boutonniere flour, Hurtsickle, Cyani flower).

Cornflower has numerous applications, but it is most often used for treating the eye area. Cornflower is very powerful to treat dark circles underneath the eyes. The active substances in Cornflower prevent dark circles from forming below the eyes, and they simultaneously smooth the skin around the eye area. Due to its soothing benefits, Cornflower is used to treat facial muscles and wrinkles, and it can also relieve tired and puffy eyes.

Only the blue petals are used from Cornflower, and the white-pinkish petals are removed. It is a good idea to remove them before the herb dries off. Harvesting should be done in the months of July through August, when the weather is dry, and the dew has evaporated.

How to use Cornflower?

To treat the ailments listed above, you can use Cornflower in different ways.

  • Cornflower can be used topically as an infusion to apply to problematic areas, and you can also make a homemade eye cream from a Cornflower infusion. Before doing so, read my article on how to use oils on your skin: Avoid the Common Mistake of Using Facial Oil Blends
  • Cornflower can be used to make a poultice. Add a tablespoon of Cornflower to 200 mg of boiling water, and apply cotton wool soaked in the liquid on your eyes.
  • Steam Cornflower. Steam Cornflower for 10 to 15 minutes over a pot with hot tea made from Cornflower. For greater results, place a towel over the top of your head, and let the edges drop around the pot of tea to prevent the steam from escaping.

If you are looking for where to find Cornflower, check out your local herbal store or you can also buy it at my favorite online herbal store here!

Practical Tips on How to Make Your First Facial Cream

Posted: 25 Jul 2010 10:54 AM PDT

As I'm planning to update you with some homemade skin cream recipes, I decided to post some general rules on how to whip up a homemade cream. Just follow the rules, and I'm sure you will become a great cream-maker.


Creams are semi-solid emulsions, which is a mixture of oil and water. They are categorized into two types: oil-in-water (O/W) creams composed of small droplets of oil dispersed in a continuous aqueous phase, or water-in-oil (W/O) creams composed of small droplets of water dispersed in a continuous oily phase.

To make a homemade skin cream, you need three components:
  • Water Phase: water, hydrosol, juice, milk, etc.
  • Oily Phase: vegetable oil, animal fats, lanolin, silicones, waxes, etc.
  • Emulsifier: special emulsifier for creams or wax, lanolin, lethicin, etc. The cream with a special emulsifier is easier to make, has a better texture, and creates a more stable emulsion so that oils do not separate from the water.
  • Additionally, the cream may also contain: preservatives (which I never use in my creams), active ingredients, extracts, essential oils, etc. In order to stabilize the emulsion (so the cream will not break), you can use less emulsifiers and instead use gel formers, alike xanthan, guar, or thickeners. More about beauty ingredients in green ingredients section.
Keeping Homemade Facial Creams:
  • It is highly important to make sure the product is protected from bacteria, so check that the container is thoroughly closed.
  • After making a product, immediately place it into the refrigerator.
  • Label the container with the date. This will help you to remember when the product was made so that it does not spoil.
  • Remove the cream from the product container with a spatula and not your fingers. Dipping your hands into the homemade cream will cause it to spoil faster because of the spread of bacteria.
  • When you do create a homemade facial cream, you can freeze it by placing small bottles in the freezer. When you are ready to use it, you can simply defrost for a wonderful beauty treat!

Advice Before Getting Started:

  • It is easier to create water-in-oil (W/O) emulsion. On your first try, it is better to create fatty creams where the amount of oil used is more than the water content.
  • Start with only 3 to 4 ingredients. It will be easier to understand and prevent mistakes.
  • It is important not to be lazy. Wait to mix until the product has cooled completely, which you can do with very short breaks.
  • Mix water and oils of the same temperature.
  • Instead of hydrosols, you can use brewed teas, chamomile, calendula, green tea, etc.
  • Almost all additional components should be added at the last after the cream has cooled.

Practice Makes Perfect!

IMPORTANT: Before you begin making a homemade product, make sure that you thoroughly clean the area that you are working in. Wash your hands completely. Make sure to also wash any dishes, mixing utensils, spoons, or other tools that you may use. This should be done when you begin creating the product, as well as afterward.

So now we will make a test recipe, so you could better understand the technique of creating homemade skin creams. I took the easiest recipe i could imagine, so here we go. You will need:


  • Container – I always choose glass containers over plastic, because plastic containers are not completely safe and can bring many harmful germs and bacteria to your skin.
  • Double boiler
  • Mini mixer – i recently purchased great mini mixer from Amazon, you can check it here
  • Spoons – 1 teaspoon, 1 tablespoon
  • Mixing utensils – spoons, chopsticks etc.


  • 1 teaspoon of beeswax
  • 3 tablespoons of almond oil
  • 3 tablespoons of mineral water


Step 1. Melt beeswax in a double boiler.

Step 2. When beeswax will melt completly add 3 tablespoons of almond oil. Don't forget to stir all the time

Step 3. Heat the water and add very very slowly 3 tablespoons of hot (!) water to beeswax mixed with almond oil

Step 4. Intensively mix the medley for 10 minutes and pure it out to a prepared container

Step 5. Mix the cream with mini mixer until it cool completely. I was mixing mine for about 20 minutes

Step 6. And here is what i've got

Here are some other recipes for practicing:

Homemade Face Cream For Dry Skin

3 tablespoons of cacao butter
120 ml of avocado oil
2 tablespoons of orange tea
4 drops of geranium rose essential oil

Homemade Cream For Sensitive Skin

2 tablespoons of cacao butter
90 ml of sunflower oil
4 tablespoons of rose water
6 drops of sandal essential oil

Homemade Face Cream for Oily Skin

2 tablespoons of cacao butter
90 ml of almond oil
4 tablespoons of rosemary tea
3 drops of lavender essential oil

And for every type of skin

40 gr. of almond oil
40 gr. of beeswax
40 ml of rose water
10 drops of rose essential oil

So here is the basic technique of creating homemade skin cream. If you have any questions, thoughts or maybe you want to share your experience please leave your comment bellow.

P.S. I will continue to update you with some great homemade skin cream recipes in a few days! The best way to be notified about my new posts is by following MyHomemadeBeauty.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

7 Ways to Make Your Hair Grow Faster

Posted: 17 Mar 2010 02:59 PM PDT

Our guest Cortney recently was wondering about:

Q: how to make your hair grow faster and thicker… i have mid length hair is goes down to about the end of my shoulder blades and it kinda think but i want it thicker and longer. to me this is a problem and i tried just about everything

A: If you are struggling to have longer and thicker locks, there are a few methods that you can use to help your hair to grow faster and thicker. If you too feel frustrated with medium length hair that just won't seem to grow longer, here are some simple tips to enhance your results!

1. Start out by enriching your diet with vitamins and minerals. It is best to have a balanced diet with a number of mineral and vitamin antioxidant ingredients, which will prevent any deficiencies in your diet that often cause a retardation of hair growth or even hair thinning and loss. This is your opportunity to balance your diet to benefit your health from head to toe, which will also result in shining, full, and thick hair. It's that simple!

2. Use hair masks to treat thin and damaged hair. This will naturally strengthen the hair from root to tip, allowing it to immediately grow longer and stronger as a result.

3. If you are dying your hair, make sure to avoid any type of chemical dye product. This will prevent breakage and damage to the hair shaft, and it will also allow you to enhance the quality and length of your tresses. One of the best natural hair dyes i can recommend is Herbatint Hair Dye.

4. Make sure to reduce stress as much as you can. Relaxation and a lack of stress will allow all of your bodily systems to function at their best, causing your hair to naturally grow and strengthen as a result.

5. Protect your hair from the sun. This is something that many women neglect to do, even if they are vigilant about protecting their skin from sun damage. Protecting your hair from the sun will prevent breakage to the root of the hair and damage to the scalp, and it will also make a dramatic difference in the quality and length of your hair overall.

6. Be gentle in your hair care. This is another helpful tip to avoid vigorous brushing, tight hairstyles, and even harsh hair products. If you are gentle with your hair, it will make a dramatic difference in cultivating hair growth and preventing any breakage or damage to existing hair.

7 Ways to Make Your Hair Grow Faster

7. Last of all, make sure to increase the blood circulation in your scalp. This can be easily done by massaging your scalp with your fingers or even using a professional scalp massager 7 Ways to Make Your Hair Grow Faster. A scalp massager is a fun product to have on hand at an affordable price, and on top of that, it also gives you increased relaxation while stimulating circulation. It is highly important stimulate circulation in your scalp, which will work to nourish the root of the hair and promote strength and growth.

With a little bit of effort on your part, you now have the tools necessary to cultivate long and strong hair growth in the form of beautiful and shiny tresses. This is your opportunity to significantly improve the quality of your hair with these simple tips in hair care remedies!

P.S. I hope I answered your question Courtney, if you have more to ask don't hesitate to contact me or leave a comment.

Highly Effective Home Remedies to Grow Hair Faster & Thicker

Posted: 14 Mar 2010 02:55 PM PDT

Try these home remedies to grow your beautiful hair faster:

Take Henna Neutral/Colorless PowderHighly Effective Home Remedies to Grow Hair Faster & Thicker and mix with water to receive smooth paste. Rub the medley into scalp and hair. Cover your head with a plastic bag and a towel. Then rinse off after 20 minutes with warm water without a shampoo. You can use this mask everyday.

* * *

* 3 tablespoons of onion
* 1 tablespoon of honey

Before applying mask, wash your hair with shampoo. Grated onion mix with honey. Rub mask into your hair scalp, then rinse off after 40 minutes with warm water without a shampoo. Use this mask once a week.

* * *

* 1 tablespoon of mustard
* 2 egg yolks
* glass of kefir

Mix all the ingredients. Rub mask into your hair scalp, then rinse off after 40 minutes with warm water without a shampoo. Use this mask once a week.

* * *

* aloe juice
* honey
* egg yolk
* cognac

Mix all the ingredients in equal proportions. Wash your hair with shampoo and apply the mask on a wet hair. Rub mask into your scalp and hair. Cover your head with a plastic bag and a towel. Then rinse off after 40 minutes with warm water without a shampoo. Use this mask once a week.

* * *

* glass of bear
* 2 egg whites

Mix all the ingredients. Wash your hair with shampoo and apply the mask on a wet hair. Rub mask into your scalp and hair. Cover your head with a plastic bag and a towel. Then rinse off after 40 minutes with warm water without a shampoo. Use this mask once a week.

* * *

* 1 potato juice
* 2 tablespoons of aloe
* tablespoon of honey

Mix all the ingredients. Wash your hair with shampoo and apply the mask on a wet hair. Rub mask into your scalp. Cover your head with a plastic bag and a towel. Then rinse off after 60 minutes with warm water without a shampoo. Use this mask twice a week.

What are your secret recipes to make your hare thicker and grow faster? Fill free to share your beauty secrets in the comments section below. Or maybe you already tried ours? In that case we will be more than happy to hear you references Highly Effective Home Remedies to Grow Hair Faster & Thicker

P.S. To help your hair grow faster follow these 7 Simple Steps.

Top 7 Foods for Healthy Hair

Posted: 09 Mar 2010 01:50 PM PST

If you want your locks to remain silky and shining, it really does matter what you eat! The great news for you to know is that there are specific foods to focus on for healthy hair that really will make a difference.

Here are your top choices in healthy foods for hair to keep your tresses full and beautiful:

1. Salmon. Salmon is one of the best foods for healthy hair because it gives you the omega-3 fatty acids necessary, as well as protein, for healthy and full hair. Omega-3 fatty acids are essential for the health of the scalp, and if you have a deficiency, it could cause dry scalp and dull hair.

2. Green vegetables. In this case, the darker, the better. You can focus on spinach, broccoli, and Swiss chard for sources of vitamin A and vitamin C, which is why it your body needs to produce sebum naturally to condition the hair. This will prevent dryness, damage, and breakage in your hair.

3. Eggs. Eggs are another fantastic choice for healthy hair, which will give you a complete protein. If you are avoiding red meat, egg whites will still offer the same healthy benefits in providing a protein source to keep your hair full and luscious from root to tip.

4. Brown rice. Brown rice is the source of carbohydrates you have been looking for to protect your hair, and it also offers fiber and B vitamins. This is necessary for healthy hair growth and function, and it also works as a whole-grain to offer added nutrients to your diet. On top of that, brown rice is incredibly easy to make, and you can pair it with a number of other healthy foods for a complete healthy hair meal!

5. Bacon. Bacon is a wonderful hair healthy food enjoyed in moderation, as long as you don't overdo it if you are trying to maintain your weight. This is a protein source that is packed with zinc and B vitamins, which work to preserve the health of the hair and give a shiny and silky feel to your locks.

6. Nuts. Nuts are full of selenium, which is a mineral that protects the health of your scalp. Many other nuts also contain omega-3 fatty acids, which work to naturally condition hair. Nuts are also a reliable source of zinc, which can prevent hair loss and thinning.

7. Poultry. Turkey and chicken are wonderful alternatives to give you a lean protein to protect the health of your hair. If you have a very low protein diet, you can experience hair damage and hair loss, with hair even turning white as a result of a protein deficiency.

The important thing to remember when trying to find healthy foods for hair is that a balance of whole foods will benefit your health from head to toe. On top of that, you can use these top foods for healthy hair to restore vibrance and shine to your tresses once again. It's that easy!

P.S. Besides integrating these Top 7 foods, taking the vitamins and minerals every day is recommended to supply the nutrients needed by healthy growing hair. Check out Life Extension Products for the best nutritional supplements, minerals, vitamins and herbs or read my Life Extention product review.

Face care: Clay mask recipes

Posted: 01 Mar 2010 01:46 PM PST

Recently we were discussing why we should use a facial clay mask and today i decided to share my best clay mask recipes. These do-it-yourself face mask recipes work on various skin types, so get trough all the list and find the best solution for beautiful You! Face care: Clay mask recipes

All these clay mask recipes can be made from different clay types (blue, yellow, green etc.). Mask should be applied for 20 minutes and rinsed off with warm water.

Pore Tightening Mask

Just mix clay into a paste with tomato juice instead of water. If you have pimples mix water with aloe oil in equal proportions and add some clay to receive smooth paste. For combination skin mix clay with mils.

* * *

Whitening clay mask for oily skin

1 egg white shake with 1/2 teaspoon of salt. Then add 2 teaspoon of clay. Thoroughly mix and apply to face.

* * *

Clay mask for problematic acne skin

1 tablespoon of clay mix with 2 tablespoon of vodka and 1 tea spoon of aloe juice. If you receive very thick medley add some water.

* * *

Clay mask for dry skin

1 tablespoon of cottage cheese mix with clay, 1 tablespoon of sour cream and 3 – 4 tablespoon of milk. Apply to face then rinse off.

* * *

Lifting clay mask

1 tablespoon of clay mix with milk to receive smooth medley, then add 1 teaspoon of honey. Thoroughly mix and apply to face.

* * *

Clay mask for dry and normal skin

2 tablespoon of mashed banana or apple mix with 1 tablespoon of clay, 1 tablespoon of sour cream and olive oil. If you receive very thick paste add some water. Apply to face.

* * *

Clay mask for combination skin

Take 1 tablespoon of clay and starch mix with milk to receive smooth paste. Apply to face then rinse off.

Another great clay mask for combination skin. 1 tablespoon of clay mix with 2 tablespoons of any mashed vegetable (cucumber, carrot, eggplant etc.). Mix with milk and apply to face. Then rinse off.

* * *

For every type of skin

2 tablespoons of oatmeal boiled in milk mix with 1 tablespoon of clay and a 3 – 4 tablespoons of milk. Received medley apply to face and rinse off with warm water after 20 minutes.

* * *

Anti aging clay mask

Mix 1 tablespoon of sour cream, honey, lemon juice and clay. Add some milk if medley will be to thick. Apply to face then rinse off.

P.S. If you are looking for facial clay mask, then Aztec Secret Indian Healing ClayFace care: Clay mask recipes is the perfect product to begin with!


Product Review: Natural Vitamins at Life Extension

Posted: 22 Feb 2010 01:45 PM PST

I was on the lookout for a good choice in natural minerals and vitamins to supplement my diet, and I was more than happy to find a number of choices at Life Extension! The bottom line is that these products were a premium choice in that they contained no artificial sweeteners, no sugar, no colors, no added flavors, and no preservatives. On top of that, these vitamins were packaged very conveniently and were more than easy to use!

Related to beauty, there were a number of anti aging supplements, like the Comprehensive Nutrient Packs, that made it simply easy to take all of the vitamins you need regularly to enhance the health of your skin. Like I said, this product came in convenient packaging so that you could take one nutrient pack on a daily basis to give you added vegetables, olive fruit extract, mitochondrial energy optimizer, and overall multi-nutrients to enhance the youth and health of your skin.

Another great multivitamin choice to balance the diet is the Life Extension Mix Capsules, which make it easy for you to get enough nutrients within your daily diet, including all of the vitamins and minerals you would find from fruits and vegetables. This multivitamin also supplies you with added antioxidant protection from green tea extract, which works to enhance the health of your skin, prevent free radical damage, and generally prevent premature wrinkles!

The bottom line is that Life Extension is a great source for natural vitamins and minerals that are easy to take to benefit your health from head to toe. Check out Life Extension for your vitamin needs right away!

Top 8 Vitamins and Minerals for Healthy Skin

Posted: 04 Feb 2010 01:37 PM PST

If you are hoping to care for the health of your complexion, it is so important to focus on your diet. Eating foods rich in healthy minerals and vitamins will make a dramatic difference in the tone of your skin, and it will also work to prevent any serious conditions before they start, including breakouts and premature wrinkles.

To begin with, we will discuss the top 8 skin vitamins and minerals to give you the best results in a healthy and radiant complexion!

1. Vitamin A:

Vitamin A is an important vitamin for the health of your skin, and it prevents against premature aging and environmental damage. Many people only use vitamin A to protect the health of their eyes, but it's actually important within your diet because it repairs healthy tissue underneath the skin. This will work to prevent damage from outside free radicals, which can often cause deep wrinkles.

For the best sources of vitamin A, try sweet potatoes, spinach, and broccoli as a regular part of your diet.

2. Vitamin B:

Vitamin B is important in the diet for clear and radiant skin by preventing breakouts. It will also work to provide a healthy and strong layer to the complexion and reduce the risk of dermatitis.

The best sources of this vitamin are meals rich in whole grains and nuts.

3. Vitamin E:

This antioxidant will work to protect cells underneath the surface of the complexion from being damaged by sun exposure and pollution.

The best sources are nuts and avocados as good fats in your diet.

4. Vitamin C:

This is an antioxidant that is highly important to stimulate collagen production underneath the skin. This is responsible for plumping and firming the complexion to reduce existing wrinkles!

You can find this vitamin in citrus, strawberries, cabbage, and broccoli within your diet.

5. Bromelain:

Bromelain is important because it speeds up healing and reduces swelling in the body. This will work to clear up acne faster and also reduce any unevenness in the skin tone through promoting healing.

Bromelain can be found by adding pineapples to your diet!

6. Zinc:

Zinc is highly important for the health of the skin because it works to quickly heal wounds. This mineral also boosts collagen production, which will plump the skin below the surface to reduce wrinkles overall. This mineral also works as an astringent, so it will constrict the skin and tighten the pores so that the complexion looks smoother.

Zinc can be found in beef, crab, turkey, chicken, salmon, and pork within the diet. Here are some recipes loaded with zinc to get you started!

7. Selenium:

This mineral is a helpful antioxidant that will reduce free radical damage. It can neutralize wrinkles caused by sun exposure, smoking, and pollution.

The best sources of this mineral are found in brown rice, nuts, poultry, and seafood.

8. Iron:

This mineral will strengthen the immunity of the skin to reduce breakouts and revitalize the complexion.

Iron can best be found in lentils, grains, cereals, and beans in the diet.

When you integrate these 8 vitamins into your regular diet, you will see a dramatically radiant difference in the health of your complexion!

P.S. For the best nutritional supplements, minerals, vitamins, herbs and hormones check out Life Extension Products or read my Life Extention product review.

Top Honey Homemade Face Masks

Posted: 19 Nov 2009 01:28 PM PST

Top Honey Homemade Face Masks

It is widely known that honey is the main ingredient in cosmetics reducing appearance of wrinkles, also honey known as ingredient in cleanser therapies.  Depending on the type and condition of skin honey masks are prepared from pure honey, or with the addition of other substances (egg yolk, glycerol, lemon juice, etc.). Here is the list of most easy-to-prepare honey homemade face masks.

Important: all masks should be applied to pre-cleansed skin it means skin should be washed thoroughly before using any of the masks. You can check this natural homemade face wash.

* 1 tablespoon of cottage cheese
* 1/2 tablespoon of honey

Mix the ingredients in the bowl. Apply to skin. After 30 – 60 minutes, rinse with warm water.  Wipe your face with a slice of lemon.

* * *

Union and honey mask. Recommended for dry skin as a softening and nourishing remedy.

* two heads of baked onions
* 2 tablespoon of honey

Thoroughly grind heads of baked union and mix with honey. Apply to your face, leave for 15 – 20 minutes. Then clean your face with wet towel or cotton wool.

* * *

Next one, suggested by SpaIndex, is great for acne skin and can be used daily.

1/4 cup plain yogurt or buttermilk
1/2 cup oatmealTop Honey Homemade Face Masks
2 tablespoons of honey

Grind or process the oatmeal in a blender or food processor. Set aside. In a small bowl, mix together honey and yogurt, and then add ground oatmeal. Mix thoroughly until a smooth paste consistency has been reached. Smooth over your face and neck, leave on for 15 minutes, and rinse off with warm water.

* * *

Recommended for dry skin to prevent wrinkles. Can be used every day.

* 1 egg yolk
* 1 tablespoon of honey

Mix all the ingredients. Apply to skin and leave for 10 – 15 minutes. Rinse with warm water.

* * *

Homemade honey mask for all types of skin.

* 100 g. of honey
* lemon juice

Mix all the ingredients. Apply to your face and leave for 5- 10 min. Rinse with warm water.

* * *

* tablespoon of flour
* 1 egg
* 1 teaspoon of honey

Mix flour with beaten egg and add honey in proportions mentioned above. Apply to your face and leave for 10- 15 minutes. Rinse with warm water. It is recommended for dry type of skin but actually can be use for all types of skin.

Masks should be used 2 – 3 times a week. These masks improve metabolism of skin, facial muscles become more elastic and skin gets a fresh look.

Top 3 Natural Homemade Face Masks for Oily Skin

Posted: 12 Nov 2009 01:27 PM PST

Natural homemade face mask is one of the best facial treatments that you can have, for a variety of reasons – cleansing, stimulating, assisting anti-aging, improving skin tone etc.

Homemade face masks containing natural ingredients are quick and simple to create at home. When you prepare natural homemade face mask, you know the result it will give you, unlike when you buy a big brand name cream, you don't really know what it is made of.

Another grate benefit of using natural homemade face mask, you could simply whip up it with the same ingredients you use to make breakfast. Just peek in your fridge. I bet you can find an apple or an egg there to moisturize your skin.

Are you ready to prepare your own face mask? So here are my TOP 3 natural homemade face masks for oily skin:

1. Cocoa Natural Homemade Face Mask

* 1/2 tablespoon of milk
* 1/3 cup of cocoa powder
* 1/4 cup of honey
* 4 tablespoon of oatmealTop 3 Natural Homemade Face Masks for Oily Skin

Mix all the ingredients in a bowl. Apply to face and don't forget to avoid eye area. Gently massage in a circular motion. Leave it for 15 – 20 minutes, rinse with warm water. This mask is grate for moisturizing and cleansing your oily skin.

2. Yogurt Natural Homemade Face Mask

* 1 tablespoon of brewer's yeastTop 3 Natural Homemade Face Masks for Oily Skin
* Plain yogurt

Mix all the ingredients to make a thin mixture. Apply it thoroughly into all the oily areas on your face and leave for 15 – 20 minutes. Rinse with warm water and apply cream.

3. Natural Homemade Face Mask for Acne Skin

* 1 chopped, ripe tomato
* 1 teaspoon of lemon juice
* 1 tablespoon of instant oatmeal or rolled oats.

Puree all the ingredients in a blender. If mixture seems too runny add more oats. Apply to skin for 10 – 15 minutes and rinse with warm water.

I know you want to have fresh looking skin and you can if you take care of your skin properly.

How to Make Natural Homemade Face Wash?

Posted: 01 Nov 2009 01:21 PM PST

How to Make Natural Homemade Face Wash?

The very first thing your face encounters in the morning and before going to sleep is a face wash. Natural homemade face wash is always recommended because it is pure and natural like your skin.

The best way you can decide on what face wash you wish to use first of all is by looking at yourself to see what type of skin do you have.

Natural homemade face wash for normal skin:

Normal skin is fairly elastic and resilient. It is better to wash it with soft water and softening remedy. Here is the recipe:

3 tablespoon coconut oilHow to Make Natural Homemade Face Wash?
1 tablespoon olive oilHow to Make Natural Homemade Face Wash?
1 tablespoon glycerin
2 tablespoon water

Melt ingredients mentioned above together in a double boiler. When they melt, remove from heat and beat with a whisk for 5 minutes. Pure out to a bowl, wait till it cool and wash your face.

Natural homemade face wash for dry skin:

Dry skin has a low level of sebum and can be prone to sensitivity. It usually feels tight and uncomfortable after washing unless some type of skin cream is applied.

If you fill your skin wrinkled and tight after washing try to use this method. 30 minutes before cleansing cover your face with "cosmetic mayonnaise"  (egg yolk, water and olive oil in equal parts) and afterwords use natural homemade face wash for dry skin.

Natural homemade face wash for oily skin:

Oily skin is shiny, thick and dull colored. Often a chronically oily skin has coarse pores and pimples and other embarrassing blemishes. It is prone to blackheads.

If you are owner of oily skin try this natural homemade wash for oily skin.

Also you may be interested in general oily skin care tips.

My Top 3 Natural Homemade Face Scrubs For Oily Skin

Posted: 26 Oct 2009 02:15 PM PDT

My Top 3 Natural Homemade Face Scrubs For Oily Skin

When it comes to your face, skin care is very important especially when it comes to problematic skin. When your skin is oily your face can look and feel greasy. It can make you more susceptible to pimples and blackheads that can keep your true beauty from showing through. I know you want to have fresh looking skin and you can if you take care of your skin properly.

Do you know that it is very important to exfoliate your oily skin with face scrubs? It helps to rejuvenate your skin by removing the dead skin cells and prevent your skin of producing more oils.

Here are my TOP 3 natural homemade face scrubs for oily skin:

1. This one is my favorite.

* sea saltMy Top 3 Natural Homemade Face Scrubs For Oily Skin
* Lemon juice

Mix into a paste 1 part sea salt and 1 part lemon juice. Gently scrub face for 1 – 2 minutes. Wash off. Interestingly, you would think this natural homemade face scrub would be very drying to your skin, quite the contrary it actually leaves your skin feeling clean, refreshed, and soft.

2. Another fascinating natural homemade face scrub for oily skin.

* 1/4 teaspoon dried yeast
* 1 tablespoon of oatmealMy Top 3 Natural Homemade Face Scrubs For Oily Skin
* 1 teaspoon lemon juice

Mix all the ingredients in a bowl. You should form a thick past, if past doesn't thick enough you can add some water. Then gently massage into the skin, avoiding eye area. Wash off with warm water.

3. This natural homemade face scrub called sweet avocado

* 2 teaspoons of finely ground oatmealMy Top 3 Natural Homemade Face Scrubs For Oily Skin
* 1 teaspoon of avocado
* 1 teaspoon of honey

Mix all the ingredients in a bowl. You should form a thick past. Massage it into a damp face with circular movements and wash off thoroughly with warm water.

Once you find the right skin care method, your skin will look and feel beautiful.